- Flyover & Bridge
Click on Number to view the list
Amount in Lacs
- Flyover & Bridge
Less than 1 crore 1 crore to 5 crore 5 crore to 25 crore 25 crore to 100 crore More than 100 crore Total
Status Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount
Work in Progress 6 ₹ 138.68 4 ₹ 1633.55 1 ₹ 2285.65 3 ₹ 14466.08 1 ₹ 106843.22 15 ₹ 125367.18
Sanction Work not yet Started 5 ₹ 187.38 2 ₹ 427.93 1 ₹ 8590.00 8 ₹ 9205.31
Work yet to be Sanctioned 2 ₹ 0.00 1 ₹ 35231.95 3 ₹ 35231.95
Conceptual Stage / Planning 14 ₹ 310.49 6 ₹ 1943.11 20 ₹ 2253.60
Completed in 2024 - 25
Completed in 2023 - 24
Completed before 2023 - 24
* Total Amount of Projects