- Misc. Building
Click on Number to view the list
Amount in Lacs
- Misc. Building
Less than 1 crore 1 crore to 5 crore 5 crore to 25 crore 25 crore to 100 crore More than 100 crore Total
Status Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount Number Amount
Work in Progress 444 ₹ 4300.83 4 ₹ 878.22 1 ₹ 736.58 1 ₹ 23127.43 450 ₹ 29043.06
Sanction Work not yet Started 114 ₹ 1581.80 4 ₹ 512.37 1 ₹ 5906.00 1 ₹ 30528.15 120 ₹ 38528.31
Work yet to be Sanctioned 4 ₹ 58.01 4 ₹ 58.01
Conceptual Stage / Planning 369 ₹ 1587.57 1 ₹ 488.09 370 ₹ 2075.66
Completed in 2024 - 25
Completed in 2023 - 24
Completed before 2023 - 24
* Total Amount of Projects